Applying principles of chaos engineering to Serverless


Most of the existing tools and articles around chaos engineering focus on killing servers, but what do you do when you can no longer access the underlying infrastructure? How can we apply the same principles of chaos to a serverless architecture built around AWS Lambda functions? These serverless architectures have more inherent chaos and complexity than their serverful counterparts, and, we have less control over their runtime behaviour. Can we adapt existing practices to expose the inherent chaos in these systems? What are the limitations and new challenges that we need to consider?

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Yan Cui

Developer Advocate - Lumigo

Yan is an experienced engineer who has worked with AWS for over 10 years. He has been an architect and principal engineer with a variety of industries ranging from investment banks, e-commerce to mobile gaming. Yan is also an AWS Serverless Hero and a Developer Advocate for Lumigo.

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